How to process email attachments on linux

How to process email attachments automatically on Linux

I will share my experience that I had get through while trying to find a way to process an attachment from my personal email using Linux bash scripting.

To start with the story I purchased a daily proxy feed from Hidemy*** which I wanted to feed to our proxy software E-bouncer. The down side is that Hidemy*** will only send you the list as an attachment on your purchased email address which is my personal email. I had to extract the list from a zip file and upload it to the server on daily basis you can imagine how boring was that.

So I thought why don’t I automate the entire process and the plan was to create a filter on my gmail service to forward any email with attachment that comes from Hidemy*** to a custom email that is accessed within the server which is “hproxy a@t”. If the email is received on my inbox and the condition is met it will straight forward it to the custom email address.

Therefore I had to write a tiny shell script that would process the “hproxy a@t” email address and extract the attachment then copy the new arrived proxy list to E-Bouncer directory so when users retrieves proxy list they get the most recent one automatically.

Here is the script that does the job in case you run into similar situation:

First you will need to install uudeview

rpm -Uvh uudeview-0.5.20-19.puias6.x86_64.rpm
yum install uudeview


Shell script:


# Shell script written by W. Al Maawali    
# (c) 2014 Founder of Eagle Eye Digital Solutions
# script starts here:

# Go to the custom mail directory
cd /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/new
# Delete files older than 1 day
ls -t | sed -e '1,1d' |xargs rm
# Extract attachment files from any available mail on the current directory
uudeview -c -i *
# Decompress it as you only receive it as zip file
unzip *.zip
# Move to sub directory
cd full_list
# Rename the proxy list file to a custom name 
cp _full_list.txt elite.pp


# We only proceed if the proxy list is found by checking file existence
if [ -f $FILE ];
   # remove the old proxy list
   rm -f /home/digi77/www/software/xxx/data/proxy-feed/elite.pp
   # Copy the new proxy list
   cp elite.pp /home/digi77/www/software/xxx/data/proxy-feed/elite.pp
   # Clean mail box and wait for next day update
   cd /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/new
   rm -f -r /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/new/*
   rm -f -r /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/new/*.*
   rm -f -r /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/cur/*
   rm -f -r /home/oman0/mail/.hproxy@oman0_net/cur/*.*
   # Count number of proxies
   cat /home/digi77/www/software/xxx/data/proxy-feed/elite.pp|wc -l > /home/digi77/www/software/xxx/data/servercount.pp
   # Print the date
   date +'%Y-%m-%d' > /home/digi77/www/software/xxx/data/proxyvalidatedate.pp
   echo "File $FILE does not exists"



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