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Warith AL Maawali
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Automate DNS Management with a Bash Script Complete Guide for Developers


Automate Domain DNS Management with a Bash Script

Managing DNS records can be a time-consuming task, especially when handling multiple subdomains. This Bash script simplifies the process using the Porkbun API, automating DNS record queries, subdomain creation, and deletion. While this example specifically works for Porkbun.com, the same concept can be adapted to any domain provider that offers an API, enabling seamless DNS automation tailored to your provider’s specifications.

Why Automate DNS Management?

Manual DNS management can be error-prone and tedious. Automating these tasks ensures consistency, saves time, and reduces administrative overhead.

Key Features of the Script

  • DNS Record Queries: Fetches existing DNS records for a domain.
  • Subdomain Creation: Adds random subdomains with specified IP addresses.
  • Subdomain Deletion: Deletes subdomains based on specific criteria.
  • Secure API Integration: Interacts securely with the Porkbun API.

How It Works

1. Query DNS Records

The script retrieves DNS records for a specified domain, ensuring visibility into existing subdomains and their IPs.

Command Example:

./domain-api-setup.sh example.com

What It Does:

  • Lists subdomains with different IP addresses.
  • Displays subdomain IDs, names, and associated IP addresses.

2. Add Subdomains

Automatically generates and adds subdomains with random names to the specified domain.


  • Generates a random subdomain name.
  • Associates it with the target IP.
  • Sets a time-to-live (TTL) of 600 seconds.

Output Example:

Subdomain created successfully!
Subdomain: randomname.example.com ->

3. Delete Subdomains

Removes subdomains with IP addresses different from the main domain’s IP.

How It Works:

  • Retrieves DNS records.
  • Deletes records with IPs that do not match the primary domain’s IP.

Success Message:

Subdomain with ID 12345 deleted successfully.

Getting Started

1. Download and Make the Script Executable

chmod +x domain-api-setup.sh

2. Run the Script

./domain-api-setup.sh mydomain.com

3. Follow the Output

The script provides real-time feedback, displaying DNS queries, subdomain additions, and deletions.

Benefits of Using This Script

  • Time-Saving: Automates repetitive DNS management tasks.
  • Error-Reduction: Minimizes manual configuration mistakes.
  • Scalable: Easily handles multiple subdomains and domains.
  • Secure Integration: Works securely with the Porkbun API.


Automating DNS management with this Bash script ensures efficient and error-free domain management. It streamlines tasks like querying DNS records, adding subdomains, and removing outdated entries. Enhance your domain management today with this powerful, automated solution.

Note: Ensure your API keys are kept secure and rotate them periodically for added security.

# =========================================
# Domain API Setup Script
# =========================================
# Version: 1.0.0
# Script written by Warith AL Maawali
# Discord channel: https://discord.gg/KEFErEx
# Twitter: http://twitter.com/warith2020
# Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/warith1977
# Website: https://www.digi77.com
# (c) 2024
# Description:
# This script automates the management of DNS records for a specified domain using the Porkbun API.
# It includes functionalities to query existing DNS records, add new subdomains with random names,
# and delete subdomains with specific criteria.
# This software is dual-licensed:
# Personal, non-commercial use: Apache License 2.0
# Commercial, corporate, or organizational use: Separate commercial license required.
# Contact me for licensing inquiries.
# Usage: ./domain-api-setup.sh [domain]
# Usage Examples:
#   Run this script to manage DNS records for the default domain:
#     ./domain-api-setup.sh
#   Run this script to manage DNS records for a specified domain:
#     ./domain-api-setup.sh example.com
# ========================================= 

# Global variables for API authentication and domain configuration
DOMAIN="xxx.com"  # Default domain name
TYPE="A"  # DNS record type
TARGET_IP=""  # Target IP address for subdomains
TTL="600"  # Time to live for DNS records
NUM_SUBDOMAINS=4  # Number of subdomains to add

# Check if the user provided a domain as an argument and override the default if so
if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then

# Function to query DNS records for the specified domain
query_dns_records() {
  echo "Fetching DNS records for: $DOMAIN, Type: $TYPE"
  echo "------------------------------------------------"

  # Query Porkbun API for DNS records by domain and type
  RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/retrieve/"$DOMAIN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
      "apikey": "'"$API_KEY"'",
      "secretapikey": "'"$SECRET_API_KEY"'"

  # Check if the response was successful
  STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status')

  if [[ "$STATUS" != "SUCCESS" ]]; then
    echo "Error retrieving DNS records: $RESPONSE"
    exit 1

  # Get the main domain IP address
  MAIN_IP=$(dig +short "$DOMAIN" | head -n 1)

  # List subdomains with their IDs and IP addresses, excluding those with the main domain IP and ensuring valid IP addresses
  echo "Subdomains with different and valid IP Addresses:"
  echo "-------------------------------------------------"
  echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r --arg MAIN_IP "$MAIN_IP" '.records[] | select(.name != "'"$DOMAIN"'") | select(.content != $MAIN_IP) | select(.content | test("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$")) | "\(.id) - \(.name) - \(.content)"'

# Function to add a specified number of subdomains with random names
add_subdomain() {
  for ((i = 0; i < NUM_SUBDOMAINS; i++)); do
    # Generate a random subdomain string
    RANDOM_SUBDOMAIN="$(openssl rand -hex 8)"

    # Create the subdomain via Porkbun API
    RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/create/"$DOMAIN" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "apikey": "'"$API_KEY"'",
        "secretapikey": "'"$SECRET_API_KEY"'",
        "name": "'"$RANDOM_SUBDOMAIN"'",
        "type": "'"$TYPE"'",
        "content": "'"$TARGET_IP"'",
        "ttl": "'"$TTL"'"

    # Check if the subdomain was created successfully
    STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status')

    if [[ "$STATUS" == "SUCCESS" ]]; then
      echo "Subdomain created successfully!"
      echo "Subdomain: $RANDOM_SUBDOMAIN.$DOMAIN -> $TARGET_IP"
      echo "Error creating subdomain: $RESPONSE"

# Function to delete subdomains with different and valid IP addresses
delete_subdomains() {
  echo "Deleting subdomains with different and valid IP Addresses:"
  echo "----------------------------------------------------------"

  # Query Porkbun API for DNS records by domain and type
  RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/retrieve/"$DOMAIN" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
      "apikey": "'"$API_KEY"'",
      "secretapikey": "'"$SECRET_API_KEY"'"

  # Check if the response was successful
  STATUS=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status')

  if [[ "$STATUS" != "SUCCESS" ]]; then
    echo "Error retrieving DNS records: $RESPONSE"
    exit 1

  # Get the main domain IP address
  MAIN_IP=$(dig +short "$DOMAIN" | head -n 1)

  # Delete subdomains with different and valid IP addresses
  echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r --arg MAIN_IP "$MAIN_IP" '.records[] | select(.name != "'"$DOMAIN"'") | select(.content != $MAIN_IP) | select(.content | test("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$")) | .id' | while read -r ID; do
    DELETE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST https://api.porkbun.com/api/json/v3/dns/delete/"$DOMAIN"/"$ID" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "apikey": "'"$API_KEY"'",
        "secretapikey": "'"$SECRET_API_KEY"'"

    DELETE_STATUS=$(echo "$DELETE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.status')

    if [[ "$DELETE_STATUS" == "SUCCESS" ]]; then
      echo "Subdomain with ID $ID deleted successfully."
      echo "Error deleting subdomain with ID $ID: $DELETE_RESPONSE"

# Call the functions in sequence to manage DNS records
query_dns_records  # Initial query to list current DNS records
add_subdomain      # Add new subdomains
query_dns_records  # Query again to verify new subdomains
delete_subdomains  # Delete specific subdomains
query_dns_records  # Final query to confirm deletions

exit 0  # Exit the script successfully

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© 2025 Warith AL Maawali. All Rights Reserved.
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